Mark Alaniz

Mimikyubot (Work in Progress)


Mimikyubot is an interactive Pokemon themed bot where players can collect, trade, battle, and more! Invite to any Discord server and start using it instantly with other members of that server. If the bot is used in multiple servers, your progress is tracked across each one.

Website and Invite Link coming soon

Tech Specs So Far

  • Developed a full-stack application including a React UI, custom Express API, and Node bot to interface with the Discord API.
  • Hosted the Express API and Node bot in Docker containers on a Raspberry Pi server to reduce hosting costs.
  • Optimized applications to support many concurrent users by reducing memory and processing used for each user’s commands.

Utilized:  Next.js/React, MongoDB, Node/Express API, Discord.js, Docker Containers, Raspberry Pi Server

© 2021 — Mark Alaniz, Developer

Credits for design and development go to Marguerite Roth