MTGA Pathway
Players of the online game, Magic Arena, will find this app useful for finding new decks to play with in the game. The problem I have as a "free to play" player is that cards are sometimes hard to come by. It would be nice to know what new, competitive decks I can play with the cards already in my collection.
How it Works
Upon starting the MTGA Pathway, it will immediately seek out the user's game log on their local machine. After it scrapes their card ids, it translates the cards into readable objects containing useful data. Once a user makes their way to the deck finder page, they can scrape the web for new competitive decks to play which can all be filtered by colors. MTGA Pathway will display a percentage value for each of the decks that are rendered, and includes which individual cards you should aim for in the future.
Tech Specs
Built using Electron which creates an executable to download and install to the user's desktop. NEXT.js, a React framework, was used for all of my front-end development.